ILT Conference

A great two day conference that provoked alot of thinking, questioning and forward planning of how I want to use these in my class.  I really liked how all speakers where linked by the messages that they were sending out.  

James Nottingham was one speaker that really caught my attention with his examples and ideas.  Points that I took on boards where:
  • Types of Praise.  James' example of this was of his daughter, the Ballerina, receiving different praise from the grandmother and himself.  All of what he said was new but it just made me be more aware of the praise I do give in and out of class.  By choosing the type of praise you give will have an impact on the effort given.
  • THE PIT.  This is what he calls the learning challenge.  In the Pit is the wobble zone where you use and develop resilience, determination and problem solving.  I used this in class at the start of term in class and the children could see straight away the meaning behind it.  We have talked about it several times and it popped up at interview time with parents when talking about goals.  They all understood that if it comes too easy what are you you get EUREKA!
Alison Mooney was  terrific speaker who talked about "Treating people as they want to be treated".  I loved her 4 personalities...Powerful, Precise, Playful and Peaceful.  It's amazing how you think about these when categorizing others you know!  I now know how all my family and friends work!!!  Really powerful in the class and I plan to use some of her lesson plan in class with the children's version of her book.

Wilson McCaskill was amasing again.  He is so passionate about what he does and this came through in everything he said.  The children love his games and are getting used to his language that even pops up in other areas in class.  
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